Corona measures

Welcome back, we have missed you!

Teater Viirus wants to offer all visitors a safe theatre experience. 

We follow in our practices the recommendations given by Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare regarding public events, as well as national recommendations given by Association of Finnish Theatres. We hope that you as an audience member will help us to create a safe theatre visit. 

If there is something you are concerned about or need additional information of,  our staff is happy to help you. 

Above all

If you feel yourself unwell or suspect that you have been exposed to covid-19 virus, please stay home. You can change your ticket without extra charge either for an alternative performance date or to a gift voucher. You can change your ticket even on the same day by calling to a number 09 440224 (on weekdays 9-16 or one hour before the performance starting time).

We hope that you will get acquainted with our safety regulations before your visit.

General info

We follow carefully the current instructions and restrictions concerning audience capacity. This applies to both Viirus´own productions and Viirus GUEST repertoire.

In our theatre halls we take care of the safe distance between all seats. Our front of house staff, as well as the technicians operating the performance, will wear face masks at all times. We disinfect our audience spaces always before the performance, during the performance and after the performance. We have substantially enhanced cleaning in our venue. 

Furthermore, all staff is tested daily and we also take care of the general work safety by maintaining distance between different departments (office, technicians, actors, visitors, working groups).

Arriving to theatre and before the performance starts

Theatre´s lobby is open one hour before the performance. Doors for Studio 1 / The Main Hall is opened 10 minutes before the beginning of the performance.

When arriving at the venue,  first disinfect your hands with the disinfectant spray located in the lobby. Wash your hands periodically during the whole visit. Our lobby area is spacious and you can also wait start of the performance outdoors. 

Please take care of at all times the 1-2 m safe distance for other visitors. For safety reasons our cloakroom is out of use. You can either take your outdoor garments with you to the theatre hall or leave them to the designated coat racks in the lobby. If you have larger items that need to be left to the lobby, please contact our staff for assistance. 

Please take care of the 1-2 m safe distance to other visitors. Please wait your turn patiently.

Face masks

We require using face masks indoors. We offer face masks to all audience members free of charge. You can attain the mask first thing when arriving at the theatre. If you need to take off the mask, you can ask for an additional mask from the staff. Please dispose the used masks to the garbage bin. Our staff will use face masks during all public events in the theatre. 


To avoid queuing, please purchase your ticket beforehand online. The ticket price is the same regardless of purchase method. Group reservations can be made via Viirus´ Marketing Manager:

Regardless of the purchase method, we collect your contact information. It is important that your information is up to date, so that we can contact you in case of emergency. Moreover, to trace possible contamination chains, we must have contact information for all audience members.

Teater Viirus takes care that the legislation for personal data protection is followed. 

Thanking the performers or the working group

If you want to thank performers or working group with a gift or greet them after the performance, contact first our front of house staff. Please avoid close contacts (hugging, shaking hands). 

You are warmly welcome to the safe theatre experience!

You can get acquainted with the national safety recommendations given by Association of Finnish Theatres here.