Jalostamo²: ICE ICE BABY

Jalostamo²: ICE ICE BABY

Picture: Petri Tuhkanen

ICE ICE BABY – An Arctic Requiem.

This is the world…
This is the…
This is…

Ice Ice Baby is an absurd journey of two human-like polar bears, Fritz and Knut, from the imprisonment of the zoo back to their ancestors’ lands in Svalbard. The ice cube is melting in a shopping cart and the desert is empty except for plastic bottles. As the journey progresses the circumstances become unreasonable and the two friends try to cling on to their last hope; friendship. Lingering between Arctic and post-apocalyptic worlds, the piece is an absurd performance about love, hope and an unreasonable attempt to get by in a world conquered by homo sapiens.

Ice Ice Baby, created by Anna Lipponen and Petri Tuhkanen, brings the Nordic extreme conditions on stage. The creation is a dive into the inner landscape of human and animal. The conditions created by the climate change are extreme. Nevertheless, two polar bears struggle on their way towards the North trying to film a video to be stored in the Svalbard Global Seed Vault.

Ice Ice Baby is an absurd comedy combining theatre and cinema. A dystopia meets idyllic mountain landscape and a desert starts to blossom after seven long years.

Concept Anna Lipponen and Petri Tuhkanen
Script and direction: Anna Lipponen
Dramaturgy Laur Kaunissaare (Estonia)
Set, light and video design Petri Tuhkanen
Music and sound design Kristian Ekholm
Costume design Simona Bieksaite (Lithuania / Norway)

Actors Ragnar Uustal (Estonia), Anne Niilola (Kotka City Theatre) and Miika Muranen
Production Theatre Jalostamo² in collaboration with Kotka City Theatre

PREMIERE 21.11 at 19:00
All performances 22.11 at 12:00, 24.11 at 15:00, 25.11 at 19:00, 26.11 at 20:00 (Note! New time!) , 27.11 at 19:00

Duration 90 min. 
Language It’s not an issue.
More information www.jalostamo2.com