
Kopparbergsvägen 2.0
A personal story about poverty in Finland.

When did I become poor? Can I offer my kids anything other than this? Are you allowed to dream even though your bank account says zero and the debt collection letters are starting to pile up?

Mathias Rosenlund autobiographical debut book Kopparbergsvägen 20 gave rise to a lively discussion when it was published in autumn 2013. In the book Rosenlund gives an honest description of what it’s like to be poor in today’s Finland. What is poverty today? Who has the right to call him- or herself poor? Is poverty a relative concept?

During Viirus play festival TEXTFEST in December 2015 Kopparbergsvägen 2.0 premiered, with Rosenlund as a dramaturge. In spring 2017 the play is touring in Finland.

Text: Mathias Rosenlund
Director: Linda Wallgren
On stage: Maria Ahlroth, Viktor Idman, Jessica Raita
Scenography: Kaisu Koponen
Sound design: Samuli Laiho
Light design: Petri Tuhkanen
Costume: Elina Riikonen

The performance is in Swedish.

On tour: 18.3 – 13.5
Length: app. 1 h
Price: 650 € + moms
Recommended age: 15 years and up