

Them by Spindrift

Them is a documentary theatre performance focusing on the contemporary male experience, performed by four female actresses. Based on interviews gathered around the Western world, Them explores how the changing image of a man and the variety of masculinities affect the male identity. As feminist women, we want to reach out for our brothers, husbands, fathers, friends and enemies and present the struggles they are facing through our bodies and voices. We want to shine light on the dark aspects of manhood through empathy and understanding. Them consists of three monologues performed in English, Swedish and Finnish.

Bus boner
committing a suicide
becoming a father
using his cast as a weapon
indulging in looking at women before he’s blind
being invisible in his suit
running for his life only to eat skyr and blueberries one more time
Them. Dem. He.

Production Suvi Nousiainen ja Spindrift Theatre
Director Anna Korolainen ja Spindrift Theatre
Dramaturgy Minerva Pietilä
On stage Bergdis Julia Johannsdottir, Anna Korolainen, Marjo Lahti and Tinna Thorvalds Önnudottir
Sound design Kristian Pernilä
Lighting design Markus Alanen
Scenography Eva Björg Hardardottir
Art Direction Louis Crevier
Special thanks to Eva Solveig, Markus Alanen
The performance is supported by Pohjoismainen kulttuuripiste,
Naisasialiitto Unioni, Tjarnarbió and Sláturhúsid

10.10, 11.10, 12.10, 13.10 and 14.10
All performances start at 18.00

Performance duration 1 hour 30 minutes

A Q&A will be organised after the performance. We’d like to invite you to stay and give feedback about what you’ve seen and experienced, as well as discuss the themes of the performance. The project is under development until May 2018, so the audience’s feedback and thoughts are extremely valuable for us.

normal price 15€
pensioners, students and unemployed 10€

Reservations are made by calling
+358 (0)9 440 224 or by mailing viirus@viirus.fi

Ticket office
Viirus Ticket office is open on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 12-18 and on Fridays at 12-16 at Välimerenkatu 14, Jätkäsaari. Welcome!

THEM – Teaser from Spindrift Theatre on Vimeo.


Spindrift Theatre is a Nordic theatre company based in Iceland and Finland. The collective of four actresses creates performances and workshops out of curiosity towards identity and human nature. Spindrift Theatre was founded in 2013.