The Loving Memory of Hans Rosling

Premiere, 16.3.2021, on tour 2021–
Oskar Pöysti brings the memory of Hans Rosling to life in the monologue The Loving Memory of Hans Rosling.
Rosling is the educator that used statistics to show the world as a better place than ever before in the book Factfulness and his lively and pedagogical lectures that made him world famous.
But what would Rosling say about the world today?
–Hans Rosling
It is the task of Oskar Pöysti, in the form of the living memory of Hans Rosling, to keep the legacy alive in the performance that mixes lectures with stand-up comedy, facts with humor.
By and with Oskar Pöysti
Support for writing and direction Antonia Henn, Ted Forsström
Costumes and props Elina Riikonen
Technical implementation Atte Pukero
Producer Hanna Sundman
Length 1 hour
Language English (no subtitles)