KLUBB: Queereoke is back at Viirus

Cause it’s too cold
For you here
And now, so let me hold
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater
Hello once again darlings, it’s been a while and we have missed you!
Welcome most warmly to Queereoke!!! At Viirus!
Please read the whole text so you won’t miss the info on the event <3
When? 21.2. from 20 to 01.
Where? Teater Viirus
(Välimerenkatu 14. Jätkäsaari Helsinki (in front of tram stop of tram number 9)
Teater Viirus is accessible by wheelchair and we have plenty of room for people to sit.
Queereoke was born from a need to create a safer space for queers to dress up glamorously, get tipsy and get cheered on by their community, while they are performing their hearts out!
Besides being a karaoke night, Queereoke is also a theme party. This time the theme is Appré ski! Get inspired and dress accordingly or come as you are, (no stress)
Note that this is not a singing competition. We are all responsible for creating a warm and supporting atmosphere, so we clap for everyone and encourage every singer. Karaoke is about fun and fun only <3
If you’re new to queer spaces or need to brush up on our shared responsibilities for a safer space, please check out: Queereoke: shared responsibilites for safer space
You may also talk to the organizers, if you encounter any issues.
If you have any questions about the event beforehand, please send a message to Queereoke instagram
Free entry!
Poster image made by Tzor Edery