DOOMBAG (saatan tarvita tätä vielä)

GUEST: DOOMBAG (saatan tarvita tätä vielä)
Kankila / Louhivuori / Väisänen
A performance about things, stuff and social class
The starting point of the performance is the artists’ complex relationship with objects – the collecting, storing and difficulty of throwing away excess or even broken items. The need to cling to objects as salvation stems partly from childhood experiences of poverty: objects are a promise of safety, continuity, the ability to navigate through a chaotic world, in a fragile and economically unstable position.
Hoarding all sorts of junk, the inability to throw anything away, and carrying completely random items with you is strangely shameful and revealing. The abundance of objects feels like an extension of one’s body and personality, a sign that life is not under one’s control – a chaotic space that uncontrollably spills over into the territory of others.
Overflowing closets and almost unusable junk gathering dust in the corners contradicts the ideal of middle-class minimalism. The repetitive whiteness, neatness, and simplicity of interior magazine houses communicates success, prosperity, and a life under control. For the hoarder, the value of objects is irrational, magical: everything shiny is a treasure, everything broken, potentially intact.
The show investigates the relationship between objects and social class in a personal, playful and curious way, without ready answers. The staging and costuming of the performance consists of all the material stuffed in basement storage, closets, drawers and under the bed – doombags that the performers have been carrying around for years, thinking that ‘I might still need this’.
Text, direction, dramaturgy Anna Kankila, Ronja Louhivuori
On stage Anna Kankila, Ronja Louhivuori, Ville Väisänen
Sound design Ville Väisänen
Lighting design Perttu Sinervo
Light technician Riikka Karjalainen, Alpi Vaalaja
Production Teatteri Telakka, working group
Photos Iida-Liina Linnea
Videos Anna Kankila, Ronja Louhivuori, Ville Väisänen
Length 1 hour 20 min
Language Finnish
Age recommendation 12
Content warning loud sounds, strong lights, theater smoke and nudity
Tickets pay according to your own ability 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 / 5 €