Sailor och Pekka


Sailor och Pekka

Viirus is touring with a performance about a sailor called Sailor and his dog Pekka. The performance is based on Jockum Nordström’s highly rewarded children’s books with the same role characters. 

The target audience is primarily Swedish speaking children in the ages between 6 and 10.

Performance duration is approximately 1 hour

Author Jockum Nordström
Lidia Bäck
Drama Oskar Pöysti
On stage Meri Anna Hulkkonen, Niklas Häggblom, Matti Raita
Scenography, costume design Janne Vasama
Sound, music The working group
Light Atte Pukero

PRESS PHOTOS (photo: Janne Vasama)

Questions and orders / 09 440 224
