
18th century barber-surgeons, Louis XIV’s painful fistula, courtly morning rituals, the bizarre diaper fashion of the aristocrats and the castle’s beloved orange tree garden all converge in a theatrical fantasy of the divine and profane.
Versailles is inspired by the Sun King Louis XIV’s court and it allows for the values of the elite from the beginning of the 18th century to collide with our time. In the piece co-directed by Jussi Sorjanen and Sinna Virtanen the working group mirrors their own societal pain points in the sun-kings’s golden splendor.
Versailles takes a playful approach to historical accuracy.
The play has been shaped through a cooperation process between fashion designer Janette Laakso, light designer Jenni Pystynen, sound designer Tatu Nenonen and the cast at Viirus theatre. This visually lavish play is a meeting point for an imaginatively recreated costume drama and scenography clad in mirrors and gold.
Versailles is a fantasy about the Sun King’s golden afternoon
Versailles is a fantasy about pain and loneliness
Versailles is a fantasy about the poisoners’ dark mass
Versailles is a fantasy about stench and dung
Versailles is a fantasy about our obsession with gossip
Versailles is a fantasy about abundance and scarcity
Versailles is a fantasy about communities.
We organise a theatre discussion about Versailles 26.4, join us!
Premiere 21.10.2022, revival premiere on 15.3.2024
Tickets 34 / 27 / 19 €
Direction and dramaturgy Jussi Sorjanen and Sinna Virtanen
On stage Maria Ahlroth, Martin Bahne, Iida Kuningas, Oskar Pöysti, Jessica Raita
Scenography and light design Jenni Pystynen
Costume design Janette Laakso
Sound design Tatu Nenonen
Masking and wigs Ari Haapaniemi, Riikka Virtanen
Seamstress, sets Elina Riikonen
Sound Assistant Janna Hyrynkangas
Costume Assistant Autuas Ukkonen
Wig maintenance Iida Rasila
Technicians and building Noora Pietilä, Riku Vuorensola, Markus Schaffter, Atte Pukero, Laura Siironen
Producer Mirkka Maikola
Marketing Elis Henell
Audience work Marja Vuori
Photography Perttu Saksa, Ernest Protasiewicz
Graphic Design Otto Donner
Language Swedish, subtitled to English and Finnish (link to instructions)
Length about 1.5 h
Content warnings theatre smoke, loud sounds, fragrances and hay pellets (non-dusting). More info: / 09 440 224 (work days 9-16).
Sinna Virtanens och Jussi Sorjanens Versailles är en underhållande helhet.
★★★★ – Teatteria kaikille aisteille
Helsingin Sanomat
En lekfull och sinnrik föreställning, som ställer viktiga frågor om individen och samhället, om makt och underkastelse.
Ny Tid
Luokkakantainen maku ja mauttomuus lyövät kättä tavan takaa tavalla josta kulttuurisosiologi Pierre Bourdieukin innostuisi.
En serie stiliga tablåer kring makt och underkastelse vid ”Solkungen” Ludvig XIV:s hov.
Svenska Yle
Esitys tökkii parhaimmillaan katsojassaan sitä, mistä hän itse ei tainnut olla tietoinen.
Teatteri & Tanssi + Sirkus
Versailles on hillittömyyttä, intensiivisyyttä ja addiktiota. Ylenmääräistä fantasiaa. Fyysistä ja henkistä ylensyöntiä – unohtamatta peräaukkokirurgiaa, josta siitäkin uhkasi tulla muotia.
Hanna Helavuori